MapLink™ Permit Center | Administrative Appeal

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Administrative Appeal
Description: Recognizing that there may be situations where a property owner or another party believes that the Zoning Administrator made an error in administering the zoning code, the state legislature has established a mechanism to allow the Zoning Board of Appeals to review alleged administrative errors.

Initiation: Any person aggrieved by a final decision of the zoning administrator may file an appeal with the Zoning Board of Appeals consistent with this division.

Decision maker(s): Zoning Board of Appeals

Review process:
  1. Submittal of appeal. The applicant shall submit a written appeal to the village clerk within 30 days of the date of the administrative decision being appealed.
  2. Notification of appeal. The village clerk shall provide a duplicate copy of the appeal to the Zoning Board of Appeals and the zoning administrator.
  3. Compilation and submittal of record. The zoning administrator shall compile a complete and accurate record relating to the action being appealed and transmit it to the Zoning Board of Appeals in a timely manner.
  4. Special notice. The chairperson of the Zoning Board of Appeals shall give notice for the public hearing to the parties in interest, including the applicant and the zoning administrator.
  5. General notice. The village clerk shall provide a class 2 public notice and meeting agenda notice.
  6. Public hearing. Allowing for proper notice, the Zoning Board of Appeals shall conduct a public hearing.
  7. Decision. After the public hearing has been closed, the Zoning Board of Appeals shall make a decision to affirm the zoning administrator’s decision, set aside the decision, or modify the decision.
  8. Notification of decision. Within a reasonable time following the Zoning Board of Appeal’s decision, the village clerk shall mail the decision notice to the applicant by regular mail and provide a duplicate copy of the same to the zoning administrator and the Plan Commission.
  9. Public record copy. A duplicate copy of the decision notice shall be retained as a public record.
 This description of the review process is intended to highlight the key steps. Please refer to the zoning code for a complete description of the process and related requirements.
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