MapLink™ Permit Center | Registration of Nonconforming Use

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Registration of Nonconforming Use
Description: There may be now or in the future certain uses of land that do not comply with the existing zoning regulations, but which were legally established. These uses are referred to as “legal nonconforming uses,” and consistent with the provisions of Section 170.580 are allowed to continue to operate. For this reason, it is necessary to document those uses that are considered legal nonconforming.
Registration of a use as a legal nonconforming use establishes (1) when the use was first established; (2) that the use at the time of establishment complied with the Village’s zoning regulations in effect at the time, if any; (3) that the use has continued continuously, without cessation of more than 12 continuous months; and (4) the nature of the use when the use became nonconforming. The procedures and requirements in this section are intended to comply with s. 60.61(5)(d), Wis. Stats.
Initiation: Any of the following may submit an application to register a specific land use as a legal nonconforming use: (1) a person having a financial interest in the subject property or in the use occurring on the property; (2) the zoning administrator; (3) the Plan Commission, or any member thereof; or (4) the Village Board, or any member thereof.

Decision-maker(s): Plan Commission makes a recommendation and the Village Board makes the final decision
Application Fee
There is no fee
Upcoming Meetings
Plan Commission Meeting without Public Hearing
Date Reviewed:
Filing Deadline:
Plan Commission Meeting without Public Hearing
Date Reviewed:
Filing Deadline:
Plan Commission Meeting without Public Hearing
Date Reviewed:
Filing Deadline:
  1. In order for an application to be heard on a given meeting date, the application (including forms, fees, plans, reports, etc.) must be submitted AND deemed complete by Village staff on or before the corresponding submittal date. Because of that, you should submit your application before the submittal date. That way, we may be able to let you know if anything is missing and you'll have some time to perhaps get it done before the deadline.
  2. Meeting dates and their corresponding submittal dates are subject to change.
Application Materials
document icon Village Board UC Application
Are you Ready?
Do you have a PDF of your completed application form and other required materials?
If no, the application form is posted on this page.
Frequently Asked Questions